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Oral cancer screenings or sites



Oral Cancer is tougher cancer than some others . Because many types of cancers are curable now a days . But Oral cancer or mouth cancers are difficult to cure but with medicine patient alive almost five years but without medication this is less than one year and this is hard to hear for those people who are suffering from this disease. actually people are already dead after receiving this kind of news that got cancer or something like that. So stay fresh and clean all the time . And tension is the calmest and most dangerous enemy of humankind.


  • Persistent canker sores or mouth ulcers those are does not heal properly
  • Constant mouth pain
  • A white or red patch on the lining of mouth, tonsil, tongue, gums
  • Difficulty swallowing or chewing
  • Difficulty in moving the jaw or tongue
  • Loosing of the teeth 
  • Main in the teeth or jaw
  • Voice change
  • A lump in the neck
  • Wight loss
  • Persistent bad breath
If any of these symptoms are persist for a week than doctor should recommend you test for check oral cancer. If any cancer caught , it is important to diagnose the cancer as soon as possible sometimes earlier could treated permanently.

At last, stay conscious and stay happy. 

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