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What we need to do for Migration head pain




Migration is a long term and one of the most common medical sickness around the world. if your one side of head is paining often it means it could be a Migration . this is a neurological sickness. It is a one type of headache though. migration head pain last for minimum 2 or 3 days and those kind of head pains are sometimes unbearable people sometimes scream for this pain. Usually it pains one half of the head but sometimes it could be whole head pain and more unbearable. Migration is paining strongly everyone knows that but this sickness is not that dangerous like it never causes stroke or something like that. 


Migraine pain or migration head pain can causes for multiple kinds of things. It is a neurological sickness. Most of the time it causes for some emotional triggers like Stress, anxiety, depression, excitement , shock etc can causes for migration head pain. Otherwise some physically causes are there , those are: tiredness and insufficient sleep , neck and shoulder tension, poor posture and overexertion and sometimes low blood pressure , jet leg also trigger migration head pain. So try to stay away from these things . These can causes many kinds of major diseases are hard to cure.


  • pain in half of the head
  • 3 or 4 days nonstop head paining
  • Pain that prolong with physical activities
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Feeling tired and confused most of the time
  • sensitive to light, noise and smell.
  • Feeling cold or sweaty
  • stiff or tender neck
  • lightheadness
  • changes visions sometimes blurred , blind spots and color changes

If any of these symptoms you notice for times you should go to the doctor for medication procedure.


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