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Understanding Heart Attack | Rainmedical

Understanding Heart Attack

Heart Attack

If you have a problem or some kind of pain in left side of your chest and you concerned about heart attack then this blog will help you better understanding.

rate of death 2017

Okay, So first of all what is heart attack ? Heart attack is a sudden loss of blood flow to part of your heart muscle. According to world death statistics of 2019 most of the people die for heart attack or cardiovascular disease.  Some of heart attack is curable and  some of attack is not. If you got a major heart attack it is almost impossible to save your live but minor heart attack is curable most of the time. Every year millions of people attacked or admit for heart disease but in study lacs of people die for Heart attack after that cancer, respiratory disease, diabetes are dangerous and dying world wide more. So this is so important to Better Understanding Heart Attack and execute some action for get away from this disease.

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